Sunday, March 2, 2014

Incidentally March!

A Walk in the Park * Artist unknown to me
* but, I adore the painting!
  March 30 * Take a Walk in the Park Day!

Hello, my dear readers...looks like we're into March now!  And, we're all anticipating the warm, sunny weather and beautiful greenery, with promises of spring blooms!
Oh, I don't know about all that...we've got sleet in the lone star state today, and what they call 'thunder sleet'!  I heard some thunder earlier, but, I thought it was just normal thunder.  And, then it was mentioned on the weather channel that we have 'thunder sleet'.  So there we are with a new term!

While I'm here today,  I thought we could talk about some spectacular creatures that were brought to my attention last weekend.  And, being March now, we can focus on St. Patrick's day, and, specifically the country of Ireland!  We were watching the PBS station, I think it's called KERA/world, when suddenly a large flock of birds flew over a body of water.  Not having gotten in at the beginning of this program, I wasn't sure what it was all about!  But in taking an interest, I soon found out!


~the River Shannon watercolor

Ah, the beautiful River Shannon, the longest river in Ireland, running for about 224 miles, and, presenting itself throughout 11 of Ireland's counties.  The river is named after Sionann, a Celtic goddess.  In hopes of gaining wisdom, and after much warning to stay away, Sionann went to the river.  There, she encountered and ate the Salmon of Wisdom, and became 'Goddess of the River'.  After a well caved in, Sionann was carried out to sea and drowned.  So, a myth of Ireland is the belief that the drowning of a goddess in a river gives life to the land.  Sionann gained her wisdom, and, in turn, dissolved her power into the water, thus, giving it back!
What a sacrifice!

Enter the Shannon Swans!

The Shannon swans, or mute swans, as they are called, arrive in large numbers with other ducks from Northeast Europe, Iceland and Greenland for the winter.  Here they flock together and breed all along the river.  There is hardly a spot along the shallow parts where these beauties won't be seen, feeding on water weeds, as the food is plentiful.

~along the river bank

Some of the yellow beak swans stay over for the summer and mate with the local mute swans.  And, some decide to become permanent residents of the the Shannon.

The river Shannon flows through a large range of marshland, grassland, bog and woodland.  It opens at Shannon Pot, which is a small pool on the slopes of the Cuilcagh Mountain in Cavan county, and, ends at the city of Limerick.  Being undisturbed by human activity, this river serves as an ideal habitat for not only the swans, but, a variety of ducks.

~King John's castle * River Shannon * Ireland

~ Trilight on The River Shannon * Ireland

I really enjoyed this program.  These beautiful swans picked a beautiful river to enjoy their winters, and, bring forth new members of their families.  And, what beautiful countryside!  Ireland is not just a land of green beer drinkers, is it!

*** BUT, you're not getting away that easy!

Thank you so much for coming by.  As I write, we are getting sleet in Fort Worth and the temperature is dropping drastically, UGH!  I don't mind the cold, just the Texas Ice Drivers! 
Someone has to get to the office, and, Karo is always so gracious to drive me in to work, unless it's too, too icy!  

Please stop in, (try not to slide in, lol!) and say hello if you get the chance.  Oh, I have posted my March calendar on 'My Stuff' page.  Click over and take a look...I haven't posted much on there lately.  Too many irons in the fire, I think.

I  am so grateful for your's such fun to communicate interests and knowledge, with you all!  I enjoy reading your posts, and hearing your news.  

Thanks to:
Yahoo images
The River Shannon, Ireland

*** A special greeting to my friend and coworker Cindy!
Happy Birthday Cindy * March 17th

Happy St. Patrick's Day to you all!!!  

* Be safe...share love and laughter wherever you go!
See you next time!