~1953 Plymouth * courtesy of Yahoo images
You all didn't know I was a Mopar girl, did you, lol! Well, since we're jumping into the Spring season, with exuberance and delight, I thought I would bring 'er out of the shed, roll all of the windows down, and get her going for old times sake! Actually, this is only a replica of my first car...when I was a senior in High School, my mother bought a car identical to this one, with no radio, and very little heat in the winter! But, what a "SWEET" ride!!!
So, why all the hype about Spring? I'll tell you why! Spring brings out the child in adults, and the bounce in children! Spring promises fresh air, green grass, and, renewed motivation to get up and get out! We start looking for birds, blossoms, and the ICE CREAM MAN!
~ photo by Suzanne * Late February 2017
"Spring is when you feel like whistling, even with a shoe full of slush."
~Doug Larson
*So, I'm thinking that whoever you are, and, wherever you are...you can turn any situation into a Spring day! Am I right?
On April Fool's Day, my little Scootie and I stumbled across a Classic Car show being held at the high school parking lot in our town. Well...actually, we planned to go, since I love to look at classic cars, and Scootie loves "bounce houses"!
* Scootie's head poking up over the top of the Bounce House *
April 1, 2017 * photo by Suzanne
There were a lot of classic cars on display, but, alas, I didn't see any Plymouth Barracudas or
Roadrunners on the lot!
* Here we have a 1949 Studebaker Commander
These cars were so cool back in the day!
* This "cherry" little Ford comes to us with 3 deuces * SWEET!
I didn't get a chance to check out the transmission on this car...I was being pulled away to the concession stand!
Along the way, we passed this row of fine, bright Hot Rods and classic pickup trucks
Then, we were corralled into a small petting zoo with lots of goats, little horses,
and a Llama. Scootie was reluctant to pet any of the animals, but I finally coerced him into petting the Llama. This animal was statuesque, and very calm in its surrounding,
with a large hog parked next to it!
NOW we're talkin! I was in my element as we browsed, listening to the classic sounds of
"The Tonemasters"! This is a pretty good band, if you like classic rock and a little bit of country!
I caught myself tapping a foot or two and singing along, while Scootie was jumping in another bounce house next to the band! ♫
Concessions items were a bit costly, and, Scootie opted for a Kona Ice, aka snow cone at $3.00 a pop! Later, we came across a booth giving away bags of popcorn at no cost!
* I'm not sure, but, I believe this is a 1964 Stingray without the split back window.
* And a pretty "BOSS" Camaro convertible *
At about 1:30, the day began winding down with the door prizes, free bicycles for children's art contest winners, and the classic auto car winners. This event is the annual Carfest which is a fundraiser in Haltom City, Texas to help fund the "Back To School Health Fair" for the children in the city. The Health Fair donates school supplies and free backpacks to children for back to school.

* This great group of kids are known as the Haltom High School "Drumline" .
They played a few numbers, and, Scootie was really impressed!
These kids were very good!
It was a very windy day, but, a nice way to spend a Saturday afternoon. The rain came later on in the early evening, so we made good time getting home before the storm!
Thank you all for coming by and taking a short stroll with me and Scootie! Please stop in and say hello if you get the chance. Your comments are always welcome and appreciated. I see that some of you are still getting snow, ice and cold rain...I promise to work on sending more Springlike weather your way! 🌼
My thanks goes out to:
Yahoo images
*** all photos taken by me, unless otherwise noted ***
* Hi Mom! ♥

* courtesy of yahoo images
Loving, Laughing, Sharing...that's what we call it! Be safe! See you next time! ♥