* Ghoul Kreated for Halloween at the KardKorner by Suzanne, Karo and Rusty
* photo by Suzanne * October 2003
* photo by Suzanne * October 2003
I really must warn you, my dearies, that you have entered the den of dreams...or not! It is said that all of us dream, every night. Some dreams last 15 minutes, but I have read that most dreams may last only seconds. We can have as little as 2-3 dreams, or as many as 7 dreams per night. Wow, that's exhausting, isn't it! As the night drags on, some of our dreams can last 20 or 30 minutes. YIKES!

And, do we dream in color? Sometimes, if I remember a particular dream, I can recall that it may have been in color. Research shows that 70-80% of our dreams do contain color. However, if you were dreaming back in the earlier 1900's, and through the 1950's, it is very likely that your dreams were in black and white. That is due to images and media being presented primarily in black and white in those days.

Well...how about those dreams that may NOT really be dreams? Do we try to comprehend the meanings of our dreams, and attempt to decipher the messages they send? Are the late night events that we think are real, simply moved to the back of our minds, and we accept them as dreams?
In past years, I tried to make sense of dreams that I remembered, but, with not much luck, Now, I don't bother so much with trying to analyze any remembered dreams, because I just don't remember many of them, and I don't have "sleeping" nightmares anymore!
There is, however, one incident that has stayed with me all of my life since the late 1950's. I refer to it as an "incident", because in my mind it really happened. Here we go!
Summers in the 1950's didn't seem to get as hot as the summers of today do. We didn't have an air conditioned home, and would sleep with opened windows at night. As darkness would make its way across the city, it would bring along a cool breeze that would sift through the windows, making the room comfy. My father would also place a box fan in one of our windows to help cool the rooms down at bedtime.

One night as I lay sleeping, I was awakened by a slight sensation on my ear. It felt like a soft hand rubbing my ear lobe just lightly. I was frozen with fear, wondering what it might be, and, I was beginning to feel a bit chilled. I wanted to reach for my blanket that was at my feet to pull it up, but first, I wanted to take a chance at seeing just what was touching my ear. Sooo, I turned my head around with my eyes looking backward just barely, without moving my body...
...and, there HE WAS!

~Illustration by Suzanne * October 2017
A tall stick-like figure was sitting in the open window where our box fan was supposed to be. He was looking over at me with his arm outstretched in the direction of my bed. His head reached all the way to the ceiling! He looked just as my illustration above shows...an arrogant creature, who somehow removed the box fan from the window, and made himself at home! What was I to do? My sister's bed was nearby, but not near enough for him to reach, and, I couldn't nudge her to wake her. I couldn't even scream! I was still trying to figure out a way to get a hold of my blanket and cover up before he touched my ear again. I grabbed the blanket with my toes, and gently started easing it upward. The 'stick man' would lean over, and, touch my ear from time to time as I worked the blanket up to where my fingers could finally grab it! Inch by inch I was able to get it up to my waist, then, slightly ease it up over one shoulder! I had to conjure up more courage to get the blanket over my left shoulder, as this is the side that monster was focusing on! AAAGEEEGH! What a nightmare!
I'm sure you are wondering, and, I am here to tell you that no words were spoken throughout this entire ordeal. There was complete silence, and no other stirrings within the house. I shut my eyes as tightly as I could, and slowly moved my shoulder up and down in order to get the blanket up to my neck! What a job!!!

Friends...I never looked back, and somehow I fell off into the bliss known as sleep! Once I was snuggled into my blanket, all fears were gone, and a newer, fresher breeze was flowing through my window. When I awoke in the morning, I looked back at that window, and it looked as though nothing had been disturbed the night before. My sister was sound asleep in her bed, none the wiser. Who knows how long this bizarre creature tormented me that night? Not I! I just know it happened, but my mind has agreed to banish the terror back into the nightmare den!

* The Baker Hotel * Mineral Wells, Texas
* photo by Suzanne * October 15, 2011
presumed haunted
* The den of dreams...open to nightmares only!
Thank you, thank you and thank you my gracious readers! Sometimes we just have to get a little of that spook dust out of our systems, and what better time than Halloween! I am so glad you chose to visit today, and I appreciate your comments more than you know! If you're too shy, you can just say Hello, or check one of the reactions at the bottom of this post to let me know you came by.
* The ghoul in my first illustration was actually constructed from a mannequin out of a sporting goods store, and placed at our front room window. Pretty impressive, I believe. Some of the illustrations were acquired from Yahoo images, two of which I manipulated in one of my programs. I did the illustration of the stick man myself.
Thank You:
Yahoo Images

~ my little Scootie * photo by Suzanne
Shawn was a bit leary of the spooks in this shop we visited last week! But, he did like the hat!
*** If you plan to get out on Halloween, hang on to those kiddos, and keep them safe! ***
~"It's hard to wake up from a nightmare if you aren't even asleep." * j.s.
Sending hugs to you all...see you next time! 💗

And, do we dream in color? Sometimes, if I remember a particular dream, I can recall that it may have been in color. Research shows that 70-80% of our dreams do contain color. However, if you were dreaming back in the earlier 1900's, and through the 1950's, it is very likely that your dreams were in black and white. That is due to images and media being presented primarily in black and white in those days.

Well...how about those dreams that may NOT really be dreams? Do we try to comprehend the meanings of our dreams, and attempt to decipher the messages they send? Are the late night events that we think are real, simply moved to the back of our minds, and we accept them as dreams?
In past years, I tried to make sense of dreams that I remembered, but, with not much luck, Now, I don't bother so much with trying to analyze any remembered dreams, because I just don't remember many of them, and I don't have "sleeping" nightmares anymore!
There is, however, one incident that has stayed with me all of my life since the late 1950's. I refer to it as an "incident", because in my mind it really happened. Here we go!
Summers in the 1950's didn't seem to get as hot as the summers of today do. We didn't have an air conditioned home, and would sleep with opened windows at night. As darkness would make its way across the city, it would bring along a cool breeze that would sift through the windows, making the room comfy. My father would also place a box fan in one of our windows to help cool the rooms down at bedtime.

One night as I lay sleeping, I was awakened by a slight sensation on my ear. It felt like a soft hand rubbing my ear lobe just lightly. I was frozen with fear, wondering what it might be, and, I was beginning to feel a bit chilled. I wanted to reach for my blanket that was at my feet to pull it up, but first, I wanted to take a chance at seeing just what was touching my ear. Sooo, I turned my head around with my eyes looking backward just barely, without moving my body...
...and, there HE WAS!

~Illustration by Suzanne * October 2017
A tall stick-like figure was sitting in the open window where our box fan was supposed to be. He was looking over at me with his arm outstretched in the direction of my bed. His head reached all the way to the ceiling! He looked just as my illustration above shows...an arrogant creature, who somehow removed the box fan from the window, and made himself at home! What was I to do? My sister's bed was nearby, but not near enough for him to reach, and, I couldn't nudge her to wake her. I couldn't even scream! I was still trying to figure out a way to get a hold of my blanket and cover up before he touched my ear again. I grabbed the blanket with my toes, and gently started easing it upward. The 'stick man' would lean over, and, touch my ear from time to time as I worked the blanket up to where my fingers could finally grab it! Inch by inch I was able to get it up to my waist, then, slightly ease it up over one shoulder! I had to conjure up more courage to get the blanket over my left shoulder, as this is the side that monster was focusing on! AAAGEEEGH! What a nightmare!
I'm sure you are wondering, and, I am here to tell you that no words were spoken throughout this entire ordeal. There was complete silence, and no other stirrings within the house. I shut my eyes as tightly as I could, and slowly moved my shoulder up and down in order to get the blanket up to my neck! What a job!!!

Friends...I never looked back, and somehow I fell off into the bliss known as sleep! Once I was snuggled into my blanket, all fears were gone, and a newer, fresher breeze was flowing through my window. When I awoke in the morning, I looked back at that window, and it looked as though nothing had been disturbed the night before. My sister was sound asleep in her bed, none the wiser. Who knows how long this bizarre creature tormented me that night? Not I! I just know it happened, but my mind has agreed to banish the terror back into the nightmare den!
* The Baker Hotel * Mineral Wells, Texas
* photo by Suzanne * October 15, 2011
presumed haunted
* The den of dreams...open to nightmares only!
Thank you, thank you and thank you my gracious readers! Sometimes we just have to get a little of that spook dust out of our systems, and what better time than Halloween! I am so glad you chose to visit today, and I appreciate your comments more than you know! If you're too shy, you can just say Hello, or check one of the reactions at the bottom of this post to let me know you came by.
* The ghoul in my first illustration was actually constructed from a mannequin out of a sporting goods store, and placed at our front room window. Pretty impressive, I believe. Some of the illustrations were acquired from Yahoo images, two of which I manipulated in one of my programs. I did the illustration of the stick man myself.
Thank You:
Yahoo Images

~ my little Scootie * photo by Suzanne
Shawn was a bit leary of the spooks in this shop we visited last week! But, he did like the hat!
*** If you plan to get out on Halloween, hang on to those kiddos, and keep them safe! ***
~"It's hard to wake up from a nightmare if you aren't even asleep." * j.s.
Sending hugs to you all...see you next time! 💗