* courtesy of Yahoo images
I believe that a lot of us look at a New Year and try to imagine in our "minds' eye" what the year will really bring! Did we all make New Year resolutions? Not me! Why, you ask? Well, although there are things that I can surely improve on, some things don't always go as planned, I must allow for the hiccups that come along, do the best I can, and, be happy for the accomplishments I make. Along the way, I will strive to touch the people I meet, and, with fondness, I will recognize the people who have touched my life!
~ photo by Suzanne * December 9, 2017
The holiday season in 2017 was a busy one for me! I was such a worry-wort...didn't think I could get everything done in time for Santa Claus, who, by the way kept a loving eye on me!
Thank You, Santa!
"You're okay, kid!"
~photo by Suzanne * December 16, 2017
Among the busy, albeit fun activities, was the wonderful Christmas program at Scootie's school! The performances and songs were the best!
~ photos by Suzanne and teacher * collage by Suzanne * December 2017
And, I had the cutest ELF ASSISTANT EVER!!!
~ photos and collage by Suzanne * December 2017
New Year's Eve came and went in a flash, didn't it! I got my Black-eyed Peas ready in plenty of time for the festivities on our local TV stations, but, I didn't have time to take many photos.
I followed one of Paula Deen's recipes for Black-eyed Peas and they rocked!
~photo by Suzanne * December 31, 2017
Now, it is time to march on, and experience a New Year of "business to take care of", "unpredictable weather", and, yes..let's have some "FUN IN 2018"!!!

*** Thank you very much for coming by...please stop in and say HELLO if you get the chance! I appreciate ALL visitors and I hope to see you again soon!
Giving Thanks to:
Yahoo Images
Google and Blogger
My Grandson's school and teachers
Paul Deen
My Little Scootie
Elvis Presley
Santa Claus
Fond memories of Elvis...Happy Birthday!
January 8, 1935 ~ August 16, 1977

"Values are like fingerprints. Nobody's are the same,
but you leave 'em all over everything you do."
~Elvis Presley
but you leave 'em all over everything you do."
~Elvis Presley
*** Be safe, love and laugh! See you next time! ***