* courtesy of Yahoo images
I believe that a lot of us look at a New Year and try to imagine in our "minds' eye" what the year will really bring! Did we all make New Year resolutions? Not me! Why, you ask? Well, although there are things that I can surely improve on, some things don't always go as planned, I must allow for the hiccups that come along, do the best I can, and, be happy for the accomplishments I make. Along the way, I will strive to touch the people I meet, and, with fondness, I will recognize the people who have touched my life!
~ photo by Suzanne * December 9, 2017
The holiday season in 2017 was a busy one for me! I was such a worry-wort...didn't think I could get everything done in time for Santa Claus, who, by the way kept a loving eye on me!
Thank You, Santa!
"You're okay, kid!"
~photo by Suzanne * December 16, 2017
Among the busy, albeit fun activities, was the wonderful Christmas program at Scootie's school! The performances and songs were the best!
~ photos by Suzanne and teacher * collage by Suzanne * December 2017
And, I had the cutest ELF ASSISTANT EVER!!!
~ photos and collage by Suzanne * December 2017
New Year's Eve came and went in a flash, didn't it! I got my Black-eyed Peas ready in plenty of time for the festivities on our local TV stations, but, I didn't have time to take many photos.
I followed one of Paula Deen's recipes for Black-eyed Peas and they rocked!
~photo by Suzanne * December 31, 2017
Now, it is time to march on, and experience a New Year of "business to take care of", "unpredictable weather", and, yes..let's have some "FUN IN 2018"!!!

*** Thank you very much for coming by...please stop in and say HELLO if you get the chance! I appreciate ALL visitors and I hope to see you again soon!
Giving Thanks to:
Yahoo Images
Google and Blogger
My Grandson's school and teachers
Paul Deen
My Little Scootie
Elvis Presley
Santa Claus
Fond memories of Elvis...Happy Birthday!
January 8, 1935 ~ August 16, 1977

"Values are like fingerprints. Nobody's are the same,
but you leave 'em all over everything you do."
~Elvis Presley
but you leave 'em all over everything you do."
~Elvis Presley
*** Be safe, love and laugh! See you next time! ***
Hi, Suzanne!
ReplyDeleteI read this beautiful piece last evening and decided to sleep on it. I was tired because Mrs. Shady and I spent the day packing and taking a carload of unwanted clothes and household items to the Goodwill store. We will be moving soon and I will need to take another break from blogging. This Sunday's will be my last post for a month or more.
I read your post again just now, dear friend. You and I share the same outlook and attitude as we enter into a new year. We know that we will be called upon to meet challenges in 2018 and we need to prepare for them now. We also realize that we will receive our share of blessings in the coming year along with opportunities to make a difference in the lives of people we love and to reach people we don't even know and touch their lives in a positive manner. That to me is exciting. Every year brings a mix of joy and sorrow. There's no escaping it. If we focus only on the problems that we will likely encounter along the way, we will be tempted to jump back in bed and pull the covers over our heads. It is the opportunity, the potential, the possibility of helping others, teaching, learning, sharing and loving that motivates us to get out of bed each day.
I am delighted to see the portrait of Scootie and the pictures of his class and teacher taken at his school Christmas program. Your black-eyed peas dish looks delicious. I'm sure it warmed your innards on those cold evenings. I would have welcomed a bowl of it here on recent nights when the mercury plunged to the mid 30s.
Thank you for sharing your new year musings, dear friend Suzanne. We can't control everything that will happen to us in 2018, but we can control our state of mind and our response to those challenges.
God bless!
Well, Good Morning Shady! How right you are...I'm always tempted to jump back into bed and cover my head up! But, even as a "no longer working" woman, I have morning responsibilities. I suppose it's a good thing to have SOME responsibilities even though one doesn't have to 'punch the clock' anymore, lol! I recently realized that even though I believe I've only done small things during a day, I have actually accomplished something, and tell myself to quit whining about not doing enough!
DeleteI'm glad you enjoyed the photos of Scootie and some of his Christmas happenings. And, I am grateful for the opportunity to be a part of the celebrations at his school! I actually got some of the best Christmas pictures of him ever! He will enjoy the memories as time goes on.
Thank you so much, Shady for coming by and leaving your thoughtful comments. I'm banking on a bit more joy for us all this year! I am sure there will be plenty of challenges for us to contend with, and, I KNOW we can do this! Be safe as you move to your new home! Thank you for your friendship!♫
Hi Suzanne - shall I say Happy New Year to you once again! You have the right attitude, I think, to the new year ahead. There will be highs and there will be lows. It is how we cope with the lows that can make all the difference. I just pray that the new year will be a healthy one for us all. I always love to see photos of your little Scootie, and, my, how he is growing. Always good to remember Elvis on his birthday. What a voice he had! Look after yourself, and I wish you many blessings in the year ahead.
ReplyDeleteHello, Thisisme! I believe that if we all can cop a half-way positive attitude, we can climb out from the downs, and rejoice on our way up! And, you're right...our health will be a major factor in maintaining our good days that we're surely going to have!
DeleteI'm glad you like Scootie's pictures, as, somehow I took quite a few during the Christmas holiday. Thank you so much for stopping in with your happy and kind comments. It was fun celebrating Elvis on his Birthday! I believe I managed to take part in 3 of his movies at intervals, haha! Take care, my friend, and have a safe and happy week!
Hello Suzanne, it seems to me that the Christmas and New Year's holidays flew by so quickly. It looks like you enjoyed your holiday time with the family and Elfie Scootie. Fun times and memories are all wonderful. Loved the kiddies photo, your recipe looks delicious. The new year will march on, I wish you and yours a happy and healthy New Year. BTW, I always appreciate your visit and comment on my blog. Enjoy your day and weekend ahead!
ReplyDeleteHi there Suzanne, only just seeing your post as I've been on a little break.
ReplyDeleteI love your attitude to life, and it certainly has its ups and downs as well as all those little bumps here and there. We can appreciate the good times all the more.
I love our connection via blogs - each from so far away - it's always a joy to read your thoughts.
It was lovely seeing all those happy faces in Scootie's school performance photos. I can imagine your happiness at being there to see him and his classmates. We always enjoyed being at our grandchildrens' events. What a charming and very dear Elf Assistant he makes too.
Lovely to catch up on all your Christmas doings and I wish you all the very best for this year... lol, it seems to be going by so quickly though, I think we will have to hang on to our hats!!!!
Cheers, Sue xx
Hello Sue. Christmas was really full of activities this year! Scootie's school had events happening all week long before they let out for Christmas vacation. I helped the teacher in his class on the last day with a Christmas brunch and art activities! Thank goodness I no longer work, as I would not have been able to take part in the celebrations.
DeleteI'm with you regarding our connection via blogs. Even though I haven't posted in about a month, I can still pop over and read other's blogs and stay in touch. And, the year is rushing on as you say, "Hang on to our hats!"
Thank you so much for coming by, Sue, and I'm glad to see a new post on your blog with Christmas goodies, yum! Have a great week, see you soon!
Being retired brings with it so many advantages doesn't it! Hugs xx
DeleteHello, sometimes I have trouble finding what blog you are posting on . Sorry I am late visiting this post. I enjoyed seeing your cute Scootie, he is a cute elf. Having a positive attitude makes all the difference in our lives. That is a handsome photo of Elvis. I appreciate your visits to my blog. Have a happy day and weekend!
ReplyDeleteHi Eileen. I haven't posted in a while on the other blogs, but I am trying to re-motivate after the busy New Year. Thank you so much for coming by, and leaving your comment. Elvis did take a great photo, didn't he! Have a great week ahead.