I just stopped by to wish all of my readers a safe and FUN July 4th for this year of 2011. And I hope you enjoy the lovely animation I chose for the occasion, (providing it works!). Really...those were the days! And, you know, I don't think it was as hot in the 1950's and 60's as it is now, or am I just an old 'fuddy duddy' now? I have fond memories of July 4ths past, cooking hamburgers out on the grill and waiting for the right time to shoot fireworks. It was also my brother Stan's birthday, so we had a dual celebration-even more fun! There would be an old coke cooler with a block of ice in it and a large green watermelon chilling. And later, my dad would crank up the ice cream maker, and churn that nice cool dessert...mmmm! Of course, my brother only wanted firecrackers and bottle rockets for his birthday, but one year he did get a coon skin hat like Davy Crockett (Stan was a great fan of Davy Crockett). We would always sing the "Davy Crockett, King of the Wild Frontier" song and I remember singing it on his birthday one year while we waited patiently for the WORD that we could start shooting firecrackers!
Yes...those were the days!
And, now, for a bit of SURVEY business. I had a hard enough time putting that survey on my sidebar this time. And the gadget function was malfunctioned-it wouldn't let me choose a close date. But I think it's been there long enough. We had 6 voters!!! The most voters ever on one of my surveys! So let's see...
Who said "Up your nose with a rubber hose"?
Choice #1: Pee-Wee Herman
1 vote
Choice #2: Henry "Fonzie" Winkler
2 votes
Choice #3: "Scooter"
1 vote
Choice #4: John Travolta
2 votes
Well, the reveal is John Travolta as Vinnie Barbarino in "Welcome Back Kotter"! This was an American TV sitcom that aired from September 1975 until June of 1979, and virtually put John Travolta on the map. And boy, are we grateful!
So, a first place ribbon goes to those who voted for John Travolta! I think I know who at least one of the voters was...but, I won't speculate at this time.
I think we'll give 2nd place to the two voters who chose Henry Winkler, aka "The Fonz". You know, even tho he was just supposed to be 'cool', he, too, could come up with some corny lines. Therefore, I can see him as a likely 'rubber hose' contender! I believe I know who one of the voters is...but I think she recanted, eh? And, that's KOOL!
I have a 3rd place ribbon for the lone voter of Pee Wee Herman. I always thought he was cute, and especially liked his 1985 movie, "Pee Wee's Great Adventure". I think my favorite scene was at the Biker Bar, when Pee Wee got up on the bar and danced to the song "Tequilla"! I laughed until I cried-what a great scene with his white shoes on! Now, every time I hear "Tequila", I think of Pee Wee.
And, finally, my dear, patient readers...I must give a 4th place ribbon to the person who voted for "Scooter", aka Shawn. I guess we know by now, that Karo voted for 'Scooter". Afterall, this was his poll! So, to my hilarious husband, Karo, I award a 4th place ribbon! Thank you Karo for your unique poll, and congratulations on a job well done!
A big hug and thanks to all who participated in this poll...we'll have to come up with another one soon.
In Loving Memory of my brother Stan (Born on the 4th of July)
July 4, 1950 ~ March 16, 2007
"Davy, Davy Crockett,
King of the Wild Frontier"
photo taken on Thanksgiving 1997
Fort Worth, Texas
I would like to thank the following:
Yahoo images
Photobucket images
My Wonderful Husband Karo
My Darling Grandson 'Scooter"
Thank You Mom and Leta
Thank you my gracious readers for stopping by, and I appreciate those readers who are stopping by for the first time! Please remember "safety first"! Exercise your Independence by being responsible...but have a good time! See you later.
It's a whopping 96 degrees at 8:00 pm in Fort Worth, Texas...whew!!!
"Freedom is nothing else but a chance to be better."
~albert camus
Happy Fourth Susan!
ReplyDeletewhat a day to have as your birthday...always a big happy celebration!! i LOVE fireworks...the BIGGER the better...the ones that seem to turn into a huge mass of wiggly worms...all different colors!! THOSE are my favorite. one time i got chased by a bottle rocket...it fell over and seemed to chase me around the pkg lot! i don't care for them anymore.
PeeWee's big adventure...and his dancing up there on the bar...is hysterical..even now...just thinking about it...
sorry about your brother...do you have a pic of him with his Davey Crockett hat??
have a happy & safe Fourth of July!
Hi Laura,
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean about being chased by bottle rockets. I've been chased by those 'whistling chasers'-no fun! So I enjoy fireworks from a distance now.
Yeah, Pee Wee is a hoot. Too bad he messed up some years ago. But I still like that movie!
I'll have to ask mom about a picture of my brother with his coon skin hat on. I seem to remember some. Thanks for coming by. I wore the butterfly choker to work yesterday, and everyone really liked it. The fact that it was handmade, and with real stuff! Thank you so much! Happy 4th to you Laura!
I loved the card that you have sent to us all, and, yes, the animations all worked perfectly! I hope you have a lovely Independence Weekend my friend. Gosh, Davy Crocket certainly brought back some memories!! Remember those Davy Crocket hats?!
ReplyDeleteThisisme, I'm glad you liked the card. It really takes me back. Yes, my brother got a Davy Crockett hat for his birthday one year-we faithfully watched that TV show. And we knew the song, also the 'Jim Bowie' song. I think he was Davy Crockett's friend.
ReplyDeleteSo, glad you came by. Have a great weekend, 'mon amie'!
Hi Susan, your animated fireworks picture works well. It's very nice too!
ReplyDeleteYou've got some extra special memories of previous 4th July celebrations haven't you.
We used to get Davy Crocket on TV over here too - I always watched it, then we'd go out into our patch of bush up from the house and re-enact everything... ha ha, yes, I was a bit of a tomboy :D)
We're currently getting re-runs of Welcome Back Kotter in the afternoons - oh, they're so cheesy now - still funny though! Enjoyed your poll, and you were very fair, giving out place ribbons to everyone ;-)
That is a beautiful photo of your brother.
Cheerio, and I've off over to your lovely garden now :D)
Susan, yes we would go out and pretend we were TV characters. My brother also had a rubber Jim Bowie knife, and I, of course, wanted to be Annie Oakley! Tomboy is great...building treehouses, and as a teen I used to help friends that were boys work on their cars, tune up and set timing. Things like that were fun.
ReplyDeleteThe poll turned out pretty good. Everyone is a winner! So much fun to have participation, and feedback.
My brother was pretty handsome, started losing his hair in his mid-thirties tho. He did have a bunch of hair when he was younger.
Thanks for coming by. Karo is making Manicotti tonite for the first time-can't wait!
Mom said,
ReplyDelete"Enjoyed the writeup and the animation actually worked! And who says it wasn't hot in the '50's? Don't know how we stood it, no air at all, just fans, and not even ceiling fans! But, yes, we made it."
...Mom, I guess you're right. I remember the box fans in the windows. But, I suppose looking back it just didn't seem as hot, or, maybe the Texas heat is just more intense. Thanks for your comments. Love to you!
just had to say...manicotti! yum!! ANYTHING italian...YUM! that was one of the FIRST meals i cooked for Sam, after we met...
ReplyDelete...and i guess as far as not having any A/C or fans...back in the 50's and earlier...i think when you're raised with none...you get kind of 'used to it'...it's only NOWadays that we're spoiled...if it's 90 outside and the A/C goes out...or we lose electricity altogether...uh-oh! panic time. we tend to not like to be uncomfortable!
anyway...just had to put in my 2 cents...
HaPPy FouRtH!!
Yeah, Laura...ratted out again! My dad would put a box fan in our bedroom windows to suck air in and out. And it did cool down at nite in Kansas. I didn't even have a car with air conditioning until 1975. And, here, I get up at 5:45 am and it's still 85. If the electricty goes out here, it's like a war zone. One summer, after a hairy rainstorm, everyone left on our street but us (3 days). We just didn't want to leave our pets, so we toughed it out. I had to towel dry and air dry my hair. Blah, and like you, I SWEAT-everywhere! But they say it's good to sweat...you sweat off FAT! Keeps you a bit more lean, a good thing, huh?
ReplyDeleteThe manicotti was delicious. He stuffed it with the ricotta and cottage cheese and poured the meat sauce over it. It made so much, we froze the rest to have in a few days. Brisket today!
Thanks for your 2 cents..Happy Fourth!