~ photo by Suzanne * 10-30-2016
Scary, huh? Well, today is one of the days reserved for Frankenstein/Monster Day. I believe the other Frankenstein Day is observed on the 30th of August, in remembrance of its creator, Mary Wollenstone Shelley. When she was about 19 years old, or so, Miss Shelley was on holiday in Switzerland, and, a storm brewed up heavily, forcing her to stay indoors. She and some friends had been reading monster stories for fun, and, Mary became compelled to write her own monster story. Thus, in the year 1818, Frankie (I mean, Frankenstein the monster) was born!
Frankenstein, the Monster
Would you agree, that this has been one fast-moving month? October just WHIZZED in and back out again at a pace that would make even "Frankenstein's" head spin! As if that would be possible with those bolts holding it down, lol! Nevertheless, hold on to your hats, because November just may sweep us right out of Autumn and into Winter! Let's hope not just yet!
Meanwhile, maybe we can recap a few of the events that brought my neck of the woods through this exciting month.
~ photo by Suzanne * October 6, 2016
Lots of Mums, many colors available everywhere-
-what a beautiful crop in Texas this year!
WOW!!! What have we here?
Pumpkins, anyone?

~Golf...now THAT'S my game!
...or, IS it??? LOL!
~And, it's off to the races with Dad!
~Okay, Okay...Ladies and Gentlemen, please! I concur that we are all in agreement ...
October has been one TERRIFIC month!
*** Trick or Treat, my dear readers ***
Please don't worry about giving me something good to eat...believe me, I've already had plenty!
But, allow me to remind you all to be safe this Halloween night.
Watch out for the children, and, have a Wonderful time!
Thank you so much for coming by. Please stop in and say hello-I'd love to hear from you!
also thanks to:
Yahoo images (Frankenstein ONLY)
My adorable Scooter
Son Rusty
All of the participating Fort Worth Farmer's markets
*** All photos except the Frankenstein photo are property of Suzanne/KardKornerKrib ***

~Which way is it, really???
Hi, Kard Korner lady! :)
ReplyDeleteIt's good to see you again, dear friend! I can imagine myself being a trick-or-treater in your neighborhood tonight. If I saw that creepy glowing red face in your window, I'd turn around and head in the other direction, candy or no candy. :) Yessum, most of us incorrectly use the name Frankenstein to refer to the monster, but Frankenstein was the name of the doctor who created it. In my opinion Boris Karloff was the definitive Frankenstein's monster. However if Sean Connery ever takes the role, that could change. :)
Yessum, it has been a fast moving month and another fast moving year. I think the last year that ticked by at regular speed was 1956. :) You know me. I am actually looking forward to winter here where I live. To my dismay I was told we can expect a warmer than usual winter here in the deep south. Maybe that includes Texas!
Those are gorgeous bunches of Mums! I can almost smell them through the screen. The church a half block away from us has its whole front and side lawns covered with large pumpkins - orange orange everywhere. The congregation is selling them to raise money for the needy of the community. That shrimp boil looks "scrummy" as Thisisme and her daughter would say. Mrs. Shady and I both love corn on the cob and red potatoes.
Happy birthday to Scootie Potter! My grandson celebrated his 13th on October 29. I loved to play miniature golf as a boy. I think those car tracks came into existence when I was in my early teens but I never went to one. It looks like fun.
I wish all kids coast to coast a safe and happy Halloween, and that includes you, dear friend Suzanne. Enjoy fright night and the rest of your week!
Hi Shady. There has been so much orange this month, everywhere! The pumpkins just keep coming! I do have a bunch of pumpkin photos, I can just start a pumpkin album, I guess. But it has been fun combing the metroplex area for mums, scarecrows and pumpkins! Next stop...who knows?
DeleteShawn said he had the most fun playing miniature golf, his first time. I did play it some, and, was no good. But, I love the fun of going, and laughing with others! Scootie was a classic-he even cheated, lol!
I agree with you, Boris Karloff was the best Frankenstein monster ever! I haven't seen any Frankenstein movies in the past few days, they are showing more current scary movies. But, I'm listening to classic rock as I PRETEND to work.
We do need a cooler winter this year to get rid of some of the the weird bugs and mosquitoes! Last year's winter was cold, but, still too mild.
Thank you for coming by, Shady! I guess we'll just have to move on to November, and take what comes! I'm sure it will be great! Be safe, my ghoulish friend! Have a great day! ☺
Hi there you! Great post to finish off October with. I love how Anerica is full of pumpkins and colourful mums at this time of the year. So colourful. Glad you spent some time with your gorgeous little boy. Eli absolutely loves playing Crazy Golf, as do I, and we had many games over the Summer. As you say, October just whizzed by. I have a feeling that Christmas is going to be here before we know it. Eeeek! I love how Shawn wasn't too sure about that scarecrow. Very cute!
ReplyDeleteHell dear lady from across the beautiful pond! I, too, was so impressed with all the pumpkins this year. I bought several for the front porch, even a white one! We only carved one though. They last longer if they are not carved. It was a great weekend, Shawn was excited to celebrate his Birthday, then go play golf! We will do it again. People are already counting down days until Christmas, ugh! But, it is a beautiful time of year. Thank you so much for stopping by and for leaving a comment. Will see you soon! ♥
DeleteOops, Thisisme! I meant Hello! I'm sorry about the typo!
DeleteYour type made me smile!! 😊
ReplyDeleteHello, cute Halloween decorations. I like the mums and pumpkins, it is a colorful time of the year. The races with dad brings back memories of my son and hubby. Wishing you a happy November. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and the new week ahead!
ReplyDeleteHi Eileen. Yes, October is a colorful time of year, and, it had been a pretty busy one. This was my grandson's first time to gold and ride go carts! Great memories for my son too! Thank you for coming by and for your nice compliments. Have a very nice week!